Helm 3

Epic Fantasy

The last of the known Human held lands face a Dark Lord and evil minions who want to conquer all of Earth. The Earth has been devastated by the Last Human War, and Nature's retribution, but Men find unexpected allies in the Elves and their Unicorns who emerge from their deep forest realms and the Dwarves and Gnomes who come out of their underground realms to engage the dark forces to save the Earth. With Bigfoot tribes and flying horses also assisting the allies battle the Dark One and its' Dark Army.

HELM  by Robert Louis Malek

Delve into a mysterious, yet hauntingly familiar fantasy universe with HELM. This one-of-a-kind novel chronicles the fate of the Earth after the destruction of the human race. With rich characters and enthralling twists and turns, this story is sure to leave you wanting more.


Mankind has finally brought itself to the brink of destruction. In a misguided attempt to demonstrate their power, they unleashed weapons of war that corrupted the delicate balance of nature. The Earth itself rebelled. Now, eons later, the last remaining humans face the danger of a mysterious force. In order to fight this unknown enemy, they reach out to the Elves and Dwarves that long ago withdrew to the forests and mountains, respectively. Together, they battle this new enemy in an attempt to salvage the fate of the world.


Man has finally destroyed itself to near oblivion. Now, eons later, the last remnants of man are in danger from something he's unsure of. To help fight this new unknown enemy, man has once again reached out to the Elves and Dwarves that long ago withdrew to the forests and mountains, respectively. Together, they face this new enemy to the world and their entire existence!


Epic Fantasy. The last of the known Human held lands face a Dark Lord and evil minions who want to conquer all of Earth. The Earth has been devastated by the Last Human War, and Nature's retribution, but Men find unexpected allies in the Elves and their Unicorns who emerge from their deep forest realms and the Dwarves and Gnomes who come out of their underground realms to engage the dark forces to save the Earth. With Bigfoot tribes and flying horses also assisting the allies battle the Dark One and its' Dark Army.

Order your Copy of HELM III today from Amazon

Helm 3

The HELM  Trilogy

As the first of a trilogy, this fantasy novel was initially penned in 1983. After reading just 3 chapters, the publishers asked for a completed manuscript. Today, HELM is available in paperback or as an e-book.

Email: helmsaga@aol.com